タイトル | 著者 | 雑誌名 | 発刊年 | 巻(号):頁 |
重症心身障がい児者の腕頭動脈気管圧排に対する予防的腕頭動脈離断術 | 長谷川智巳 | 日本小児科学会雑誌 | 2022 | 126(7):1018-23 |
小児開心術の術後急性腎障害に対するハプトグロビン製剤投与法の検討 | 三坂 勇介, 長谷川智巳 | 日本集中治療医学会雑誌 | 2022 | 29(1): 8-14 |
Incidence and risk factor of vocal cord paralysis following slide tracheoplasty for congenital tracheal stenosis: a retrospective observational study | Kaneko N, Hasegawa T | Cardiol Young | 2022 | 32(4):579-83 |
先天性気管狭窄症を合併した先天性心疾患とその周術期管理 | 長谷川智巳 | 日本小児循環器学会雑誌 | 2021 | 37(2):78-87 |
小児声帯麻痺に対する声帯エコー評価の有用性 | 金子尚樹, 長谷川智巳, 吉田美苗 等 | 日本集中治療医学会雑誌 | 2020 | 27(6):453-8 |
Clinical application of a new ternary polymer, SEC-1 coat™, for pediatric cardiopulmonary bypass circuits: a prospective randomized pilot study | Hasegawa T, Oshima Y, Yokoyama S, et al. | Perfusion | 2020 | 35(8):826-32 |
18トリソミー患児に対する肺動脈絞扼術 | 長谷川 智巳, 佐藤 有美, 田中 敏克 | 日本小児科学会雑誌 | 2019 | 123(1):28-35 |
Ultrasonographic assessment of vocal cord paralysis in an infant after cardiovascular surgery | Hasegawa T, Masui M, Kurosawa H. | J Pediatr Cardiol Card Surg | 2018 | 2(2):101-3 |
Clinical outcomes after tracheoplasty in patients with congenital tracheal stenosis in 1997-2014 | Yokoi A, Hasegawa T, Oshima Y, et al | J Pediatr Surg | 2018 | 53(11):2140-4 |
Bronchoscopic assessments and clinical outcomes in pediatric patients with tracheomalacia and bronchomalacia | Okata Y, Hasegawa T, Bitoh Y, et al. | Pediatr Surg Int | 2018 | 34(1):55-61 |
Trends and outcomes in neonatal cardiac surgery for congenital heart disease in Japan from 1996 to 2010 | Hasegawa T, Masuda M, Okumura M, et al. | Eur J Cardiothorac Surg | 2017 | 51(2):301-7 |
Clinical equivalency of cardiopulmonary bypass and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support for pediatric tracheal reconstruction | Hasegawa T, Oshima Y, Matsuhisa H, et al. | Pediatr Surg Int | 2016 | 32(11):1029-36 |
Clinical assessment of diastolic retrograde flow in the descending aorta for high-flow systemic-to-pulmonary artery shunting | Hasegawa T, Oshima Y, Tanaka T, et al. | J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg | 2016 | 151(6):1540-6 |
Aortic arch geometry after the Norwood procedure: The value of arch angle augmentation | Hasegawa T, Oshima Y, Matsuhisa H, et al. | J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg | 2015 | 150(2);358-66 |
Dexmedetomidine in combination with midazolam after pediatric cardiac surgery | Hasegawa T, Oshima Y, Matsuhisa H, et al. | Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann | 2015 | 23(7):802-8 |
Intraoperative tranexamic acid in pediatric bloodless cardiac surgery | Hasegawa T, Oshima Y, Matsuhisa H, et al. | Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann |
2014 |
22(9):1039-45 |
Pediatric cardiothoracic surgery in patients with unilateral pulmonary agenesis or aplasia | Hasegawa T, Oshima Y, Matsuhisa H, et al. | Ann Thorac Surg | 2014 | 97(5):1652-8 |
Controlled release of ascorbic acid from gelatin hydrogel attenuates abdominal aortic aneurysm formation in rat experimental abdominal aortic aneurysm model | Tanaka A, Hasegawa T, Okada K, et al. | J Vasc Surg |
2014 |
60(3):749-58 |
Innominate artery compression of the trachea in patients with neurological or neuromuscular disorders | Hasegawa T, Oshima Y, Hisamatsu C, et al. | Eur J Cardiothorac Surg | 2014 | 45(2):305-11 |
Orally administered dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor (alogliptin) prevents abdominal aortic aneurysm formation through an antioxidant effect in rats | Bao W, Morimoto K, Hasegawa T, et al. | J Vasc Surg | 2014 | 59(4):1098-108 |
Free-radical scavenger edaravone inhibits both formation and development of abdominal aortic aneurysm in rats | Morimoto K, Hasegawa T, Tanaka A, et al. | J Vasc Surg | 2012 | 55(6):1749-58 |
心臓手術の実際 第16回~総肺静脈還流異常に対する手術と体外循環法 |
長谷川智巳、大嶋義博 | Clinical Engineering | 2011 | 22(8):812-5 |
Antioxidant properties of pioglitazone limit nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate hydrogen oxidase and augment superoxide dismutase activity in cardiac allotransplantatio | Hasegawa T, Okada K, Pinsky DJ, et al. | J Heart Lung Transplant | 2011 | 30(10):1186-96 |
Development of a model of benign esophageal stricture in rats: the optimal concentration of sodium hydroxide for stricture formation | Okata Y, Hisamatsu C, Hasegawa T, et al. | Pediatr Surg Int | 2011 | 27(1):73-80 |
心臓血管外科学研究の進歩(循環器学2010年の進歩) |
岡田健次、長谷川智巳、大北裕 等 | 循環器専門医 | 2010 | 18(2):312-6 |
Activation of transglutaminase type 2 for aortic wall protection in a rat abdominal aortic aneurysm formation | Munezane T, Hasegawa T, Okada K, et al. | J Vasc Surg | 2010 | 52(4):967-74 |
Excessively high systemic blood pressure in early phase of reperfusion exacerbates early-onset paraplegia in rabbit aortic surgery | Pokhrel B, Hasegawa T, Okada K, et al. | J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg | 2010 | 140(2):400-7 |
Controlled low-flow reperfusion after brain warm ischemia reduces reperfusion injury in canine model | Munakata H, Okada K, Hasegawa T, et al. | Perfusion | 2010 | 25(3):159-68 |
Pioglitazone preserves vein graft integrity in a rat aortic interposition model | Chen Z, Hasegawa T, Okada K, et al. | J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg | 2010 | 140(2):408-16.e1 |
Augmentation of systemic blood pressure during spinal cord ischemia to prevent postoperative paraplegia after aortic surgery in a rabbit model | Izumi S, Okada K, Hasegawa T, et al. | J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg | 2010 | 139(5):1261-8 |
A novel rat model of abdominal aortic aneurysm using a combination of intraluminal elastase infusion and extraluminal calcium chloride exposure | Tanaka A, Hasegawa T, Okada K et al. | J Vasc Surg | 2009 | 50(6):1423-32 |
Renoprotective immunosuppression by pioglitazone with low-dose cyclosporine in rat heart transplantation | Tanaka Y, Hasegawa T, Okada K et al. | J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg | 2009 | 138(3):744-51 |
Suppression of nitrosative and oxidative stress to reduce cardiac allograft vasculopathy | Hasegawa T, Iwanaga K, Pinsky DJ et al. | Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol | 2009 | 296(4):H1007-16 |
脳血流モニターと運動神経誘発電位 | 長谷川智巳、大北裕 | 胸部外科 | 2009 | 62(8):655-60 |
Ecto-5' nucleotidase (CD73)-mediated adenosine generation and signaling in murine cardiac allograft vasculopathy | Hasegawa T, Bouïs D, Pinsky DJ et al. | Circ Res | 2008 | 103(12):1410-21 |
Autologous fibrin-coated small-caliber vascular prostheses improve antithrombogenicity by reducing immunologic response | Hasegawa T, Okada K, Okita Y, et al. | J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg | 2007 | 133(5):1268-1276, 1276.e1 |
Riboflavin-mediated reduction of oxidant injury, rejection, and vasculopathy after cardiac allotransplantation | Iwanaga K, Hasegawa T, Pinsky DJ et al. | Transplantation | 2007 | 83(6):747-53 |
Heterotopic vascularized murine cardiac transplantation to study graft arteriopathy | Hasegawa T, Visovatti SH, Pinsky DJ et al. | Nat Protoc | 2007 | 2(3):471-80 |
New assessment of platelet deposition in small caliber vascular prostheses using technetium-99m apcitide scintigraphy in rabbit model | Hasegawa T, Okada K, Okita Y | J Vasc Surg | 2006 | 44(4):840-5 |
Indium-111-oxine-labeled platelet scintigraphic images in the assessment of thrombogenicity in small-caliber prosthetic vascular grafts | Hasegawa T, Okada K, Okita Y, et al. | ASAIO J | 2006 | 52(2):140-4 |
Hybrid small-caliber vascular prosthesis for coronary artery bypass grafting: a preliminary study of plasmin-treated fibrin-coated vascular prosthesis | Hasegawa T, Okada K, Okita Y et al. | ASAIO J | 2005 | 51(6):725-9 |
Thrombin-free fibrin coating on small caliber vascular prostheses has high antithrombogenicity in rabbit model | Hasegawa T, Okada K, Okita Y et al. | Artif Organs | 2005 | 29(11):880-6 |
The dependence of myocardial damage on age and ischemic time in pediatric cardiac surgery | Hasegawa T, Yamaguchi M, Yoshimura N, et al. | J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg | 2005 | 129(1):192-8 |
Evaluation of heart fatty acid-binding protein as a rapid indicator for assessment of myocardial damage in pediatric cardiac surgery | Hasegawa T, Yoshimura N, Yamaguchi M et al. | J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg | 2004 | 127(6):1697-702 |
Simultaneous repair of pectus excavatum and congenital heart disease over the past 30 years | Hasegawa T, Yamaguchi M, Oshima Y, et al. | Eur J Cardiothorac Surg | 2002 | 22(6):874-8 |
タイトル | 著者 | 雑誌名 | 発刊年 | 巻(号):頁 |
肥大型心筋症を合併した心房中隔欠損症に対して開窓付閉鎖術が奏功した1例 | 林賢, 長谷川智巳 等 | 日本小児循環器学会雑誌 | 2021 | 37(1):44-50 |
末梢静脈挿入式中心静脈カテーテルの血管穿孔を認めた右肺無形成の乳児例 | 長井勇樹, 長谷川智巳 等 | 日本集中治療医学会雑誌 | 2020 | 27(5):409-10 |
ファロー四徴症術後遠隔期に診断された特発性肺ヘモジデローシスの一例 | 山下由理子, 長谷川智巳 等 | 日本集中治療医学会雑誌 | 2020 | 27(6):472-6 |
小児大動脈弓再建術後の声帯エコー評価 | 吉田美苗, 長谷川 智巳 等 | 日本集中治療医学会雑誌 | 2020 | 27(2):104-8 |
混合型総肺静脈還流異常症修復術後に遺残垂直静脈を介する症候性門脈体循環シャントを来した1例 | 宍戸亜由美, 長谷川智巳 等 | 日本小児循環器学会雑誌 | 2020 | 36(3):263-8 |
食道異物を契機に発見された右鎖骨下動脈起始異常 | 山本和宏, 長谷川智巳 等 | 日本小児科学会雑誌 | 2020 | 124(1):50-4 |
Fatal cytomegalovirus infection following cardiac surgery in a neonate with asplenia | Hasegawa T, Oshima Y, et al. | Pediatrics International | 2016 | 58(12):1367-8 |
Repair of unbalanced atrioventricular septal defect with small right ventricle | Oshima Y, Hasegawa T, et al. | Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann | 2016 | 24(1):78-80 |
Surgical Repair of Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection in a Neonate With Mosaic Trisomy 8 | Hasegawa T, Oshima Y, et al. | World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg | 2016 | 7(2):231-3 |
Supportive pericardial suspension for surgical airway management of tracheobronchomalacia in unilateral pulmonary agenesis | Hasegawa T, Oshima Y, et al. | Ann Pediatr Surg | 2015 | 11(2):147-9 |
The left anterior extrapleural approach for innominate artery transection in a patient with tracheostomy and a neurological disorder | Hasegawa T, Oshima Y, et al. | Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg | 2015 | 20(5):685-6 |
Aortic arch augmentation using a pulmonary artery autograft patch and a reversed left subclavian artery flap for an interrupted aortic arch type B complex | Hasegawa T, Oshima Y, T | Cardiol Young | 2014 | 24(3):559-62 |
Primary sutureless repair for simple total anomalous pulmonary venous connection with a risk of postoperative pulmonary venous stenosis | Hasegawa T, Oshima Y, et al. | Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg | 2013 | 61(9):528-30 |
Landiolol for junctional ectopic tachycardia refractory to amiodarone after pediatric cardiac surgery | Hasegawa T, Oshima Y, et al. | Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg | 2013 |
61(6):350-2 |
Paediatric cardiac surgery in a patient with cold agglutinins | Hasegawa T, Oshima Y, et al. | Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg | 2012 | 14(3):333-4 |
Minimally invasive innominate artery transection for tracheomalacia using 3-dimensional multidetector-row computed tomographic angiography: report of a case | Hasegawa T, Hisamatsu C, et al | J Pediatr Surg | 2010 | 45(7):E1-4 |
A case of immature teratoma originating in intra-abdominal undescended testis in a 3-month-old infant | Hasegawa T, Maeda K, et al. | Pediatr Surg Int | 2006 | 22(6):570-2 |
Aortic root remodeling for root aneurysm with a uni-commissural aortic valve: report of a case | Matsuda H, Hasegawa T, et al. | Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg | 2005 | 11(2):132-4 |
Circular myectomy for the treatment of congenital esophageal stenosis owing to tracheobronchial remnant | Maeda K, Hasegawa T, et al. | J Pediatr Surg | 2004 | 39(12):1765-8 |
先天性気管狭窄症に対する金属ステントを用いた気道確保 | 前田貢作、長谷川智巳 等 | 小児外科 | 2003 | 35(7):822-6 |
Vascular ring in an extremely low birth weight infant | Hasegawa T, Yamaguchi M, et al. | Jpn J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg | 2003 | 51(12):688-91 |
Successful replacement of aortic root with valve-sparing technique and proximal arch in a patient with myelodysplastic syndrome | Hasegawa T, Okita Y, et al. | Jpn J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg | 2003 | 51(7):322-5 |
Huge left atrial thrombus with mitral stenosis in congenital factor XII deficiency | Hasegawa T, Okita Y et al. | Ann Thorac Surg | 2002 | 73(1):286-8 |
虚血性心疾患を合併した易出血性進行消化器癌の2手術例-体外循環を用いない心拍動下冠動脈バイパス術との同時手術- | 莇隆, 長谷川智巳 等 | 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 | 2000 | 61(5):1176-81 |
腹膜垂による腸閉塞の1例 | 有川俊治, 長谷川智巳 等 | 臨床外科 | 2000 | 55(10):1347-9 |
血行再建術により改善し得た動脈性インポテンスの1例 |
長谷川智巳, 向原伸彦 等 | 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 | 1998 | 59(12):3153-7 |